NO KNEAD PIZZA / FOCACCIA dough. easy and delicious

How to make no knead pizza / focaccia dough

Do you fancy a good homemade focaccia, but you don't have a mixer / food processor or it's just the first time preparing a pizza / focaccia dough?

This is your NO KNEAD PIZZA / FOCACCIA dough recipe, Easy, fast, with a delicious result.

The only thing you will have to do is mix all the ingredients for 1 minute and be patient, since most of the work will be done by resting/fermenting the dough in the fridge.



recetas de pizzas y focaccias

focaccia amasada a mano

NO KNEAD PIZZA / FOCACCIA dough. easy and delicious

Pizza en casa pro
Easy kneading by hand 1 minute
5 from 1 vote
Prep Time 1 minute
Cook Time 22 minutes
1 day 15 hours
Total Time 1 day 15 hours 23 minutes
Course bread, main dish
Cuisine italian
Servings 4 people
Calorías 395 kcal


  • 1. In a bowl (or container with high edges) we dissolve the yeast with the water, add oil, flour and fine salt. With the help of a spoon, mix well until all the ingredients are mixed and there is no loose flour left in the bottom of the container.
    2. Cover the bowl and let the dough rest untouched at room temperature for 25 minutes so that the flour hydrates well.
    3. Then it's time to make 3 folds of the dough with a rest of 20 minutes between them (WATCH VIDEO) You will see that the dough becomes more elastic and less sticky after each fold.
    4. Primer folds. We moisten our hand with water so that the dough does not stick and we fold the dough stretching the edges towards the center, leaving the seam upside down. Cover the bowl and let it rest for 20 minutes.
    5. Second fold: repeat the same process as the 1st fold
    6 Third fold: Repeat the process of the 1st fold, divide the dough into 2 equal parts (only if you have kneaded 1 kg of flour, quantity for 2 masses) transfer the dough into a clean bowl greased with oil, cover and store in the fridge for 24 to 72 hours.
    The day you are going to make the pizza or focaccia
    1. Grease a 25 cm wide / 35 cm long and 5 cm high mold or similar with oil
    2. Turn the dough in the center, brush the dough with extra virgin olive oil, fold the sides towards the center and leave the seam upside down, cover the tray with transparent film and let it rest at room temperature until it doubles in volume, it may take from 1 to 5 hours. (at about 18 - 20 °C from 2 to 5 hours) at more room temperature it will take less time to double its volume.
    3. Preheat the oven at full power to 250 °C / 464 °F with top and bottom heat for 30 minutes before cooking the focaccia
    4. Before putting the focaccia in the oven, drizzle with oil and with the tips of your fingers, press the entire surface gently, making dimples, add Cherry tomatoes cut in half, pitted black olives, a thread of extra virgin oil olive oil, sprinkle with oregano and the sea salt flakes.
    5. Bake for 20 / 22 minutes in an oven at 250 °C / 464 °F, static mode in the lowest part of the oven on top of the special stone for ovens. If you see that the surface is not toasted as you would like after 13 minutes, you can raise the tray with the focaccia on the oven rack at half height.
    6. Take it out of the oven, unmold it and let it cool on a rack
    Buon appetito
    focaccia amasada a mano



1. FLOUR It is recommended to use a quality flour with a percentage of protein from 12% (it is indicated on the label) Italian pizza flour or Manitoba flour are perfect
WATER It is recommended to use bottled water, cold in summer, room temperature in winter
OIL, there is nothing better than a good extra virgin olive oil
YEAST, I use the fresh yeast cubes that are sold in the supermarket, you can also use dry baker's yeast in a ratio of 3 to 1.
EXAMPLE 9 GR of fresh yeast = 3 GR dry baker's yeast Salt: common fine salt
2. Size and type of tray: I recommend a non-stick metal one, since it transfers heat better and helps the edges and sides of the dough to be crispy (if you don't have one, you can use another container lined with baking paper, this way so the focaccia will not stick). As for the size, with the quantities that you will see in the recipe, I used a 25×35x5 cm rectangular mold because I wanted a rather thick and fluffy focaccia. If you want a thinner and crispier focaccia, you can bake it directly on the trays that They come in the oven, which are larger (usually about 30×40 cm).
3. oven temperature: I recommend baking the focaccia between 220 °C and 250 °C. The higher the temperature, the sooner the surface will brown and form a crispy crust. If we bake at 220 °C, you may notice that it's not as crunchy (which may be how you like it), but the interior is juicier. The first times you bake pizza / focaccias I recommend you watch and see how they cook to find the ideal tray position / temperature so that the recipe comes out to your liking
4. Position of the focaccia in the oven: baking in the lower third allows us a crispier base and if we later see that the top part needs to be toasted, we can raise the focaccia to the upper half or third.
5. You can eat it as it is or cut it in half and fill it, if there is leftover you can freeze it in pieces wrapped in transparent film and when you feel like it you take it directly from the freezer, remove the plastic and heat it in a sandwich maker for 8/10 minutes, It will be like fresh out of the oven!!!!


Serving: 1porciónCalorías: 395kcal
Palabras Calves flour, fresh yeast, olives, tomatoes, water
Tried this recipe?Let us know how it was!



As you can see in this video, this delicious NO KNEAD PIZZA can be made very easily and the result is delicious 😋

You can fill it with the ingredients that you like the most, mozzarella cheese sausage, dried tomato, arugula, but I recommend that you try it with a little extra virgin olive oil and Maldon salt flakes

I am sure that when you try this recipe you will repeat it many times thanks to its delicious flavor, I recommend you taste it with your friends and family because you are going to succeed.

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Until next time, CIAO 🤩

Delicious and healthy recipes, made with Italian passion.

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